Kamis, 26 September 2013

Want to Improve Memory? Try This Trick

Want to Improve Memory? Try This Trick 

For those students who are preparing for exams , or employees who prepared for the presentation , the following trick may help you to remember your lesson or presentation materials :

When reading the material you want to remember them , make a fist with your right palm . When you want to remember what you 've memorized , make a fist with your left palm .

A new study led by Ruth Propper from Montclair State University shows that it is indeed proven tricks to help your memory . The study, partially funded by the U.S. Army published its results in the journal PLoS ONE .

" Our findings show that some simple body movements can improve memory , " said Propper . " Future research will examine whether a fist can also enhance other forms of cognition , such as speech or spatial . "

Propper and her colleagues recruited 50 non - right-handed people to study them . Most of them are women . They were given a list of 36 words to memorize and then asked to recall as many words as they could .

All 50 subjects were divided into five groups : one group is holding a rubber ball in their right hand for about 45 seconds when reading a list of words as much as possible before writing the words that they remember , the other groups do the same thing with the left hand . Another group holding a rubber ball in right palm while reading , then on the left palm while you write down as many words that they remember , the other group did the opposite . The control group did not clench their hands at all .

When Propper and his team conducted the assessment, they found that the group with the best score on a memory test that is their right as memorizing clenched palm and left palm while remembering the words . The group was given an average of ten words , than those in the other groups were given an average of only six words .

brain activation
How the brain affects the palms clenching ? Clenched palms known to influence emotional state . Previous research has also shown that the clenched left hand or right increases brain activity in the opposite hemisphere . Propper and her colleagues suspect that the left and right hemispheres of each play an important role in memorizing and remembering . When you clench your right hand , you turn on the left side of the brain that helps keep the memory and then when you clench the palm of the left , you turn on the right side of the brain to recall information .

For the left-handed
The current study does not offer a memory trick for left-handed people , the famous brain is more difficult to know how it works . If you are left-handed , which might otherwise prevail .
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